Together, we make a difference!
The Chowieri family has always had at heart to give back to those who contributed so much to their success in business: their community! We are proud to belong to this community and to actively support the causes and local initiatives that contribute to the well-being of our fellow citizens. Our region is growing fast, and that’s good. However, it also means that the needs of foundations, local charities and good causes for children, students, elders, and end-of-life patients in our area are growing. For us, it is vital to be involved in concrete actions that can make a difference in their lives.
Over the past 10 years, we have contributed more than $1.6 million in donations to numerous organizations:
- Bruyère Foundation
- Moisson Outaouais
- Cabane en bois rond
- Les Apprentis
- Maison Mathieu Froment-Savoie
- Quebec Cancer Foundation
- UQO (scholarships)
- Quebec Alzheimer Society
- Gatineau social pediatric center
- Canadian Red Cross
- L’Outaouais en fête
- Kidney Fondation
- Gîte Ami
- Fondation pour les Aînés de l’Outaouais
- Hull Hospital